Thrissur Kappa Chips – திருச்சூர் மரவள்ளிக்கிழங்கு சிப்ஸ்


Thrissur Kappa Chips – திருச்சூர் மரவள்ளிக்கிழங்கு சிப்ஸ்


The availability of traditional Kappa Variety brings the special taste to this Thrissure Delicacy.


Product Description

Most traditional Kappa Chips (Tapioca Chips) from Thrissure region, where it is made in traitional way. The availability of traditional Kappa Variety brings the special taste to this Thrissure Delicacy.

Ingredients : Kappa kizhangu (Tapioca), Coconut oil, Salt water

ShelfLife: 35 days


Most traditional Kappa Chips (Tapioca Chips) from Thrissure region, where it is made in traitional way. The availability of traditional Kappa Variety brings the special taste to this Thrissure Delicacy.

Ingredients : Kappa kizhangu (Tapioca), Coconut oil, Salt water

ShelfLife: 35 days

Additional information


150 Grams

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