Nelli Charu – நெல்லிச்சாறு


Nelli Charu – நெல்லிச்சாறு



Product Description

Indian gooseberry or amla is undeniably a powerhouse of nutrients. The essential minerals and vitamins that it contains, are not only integral to our body’s well-being, but also indispensable to preventing and managing some of the most common and widespread diseases. Amla is an excellent source of Vitamin C, hence it helps boost your immunity, metabolism and prevents viral and bacterial ailments, including cold and cough. It is known to fight against the development of cancer cells. It balance all the processes in the body and brings to equilibrium all three doshas – vata, kapha, pitta. One of the most effective ways to add amla to your diet is to juice it and have it diluted with water every day on an empty stomach. It clears your system, aids in digestion, helps in maintaining clear skin, healthy hair and good eyesight. Best time to consume : Early Morning in Empty stomach

Instructions : This juice is concentrated so add three parts of water before consuming.

Ingredients : Amla, Water, Sugar.

ShelfLife: 8 months


Indian gooseberry or amla is undeniably a powerhouse of nutrients. The essential minerals and vitamins that it contains, are not only integral to our body’s well-being, but also indispensable to preventing and managing some of the most common and widespread diseases. Amla is an excellent source of Vitamin C, hence it helps boost your immunity, metabolism and prevents viral and bacterial ailments, including cold and cough. It is known to fight against the development of cancer cells. It balance all the processes in the body and brings to equilibrium all three doshas – vata, kapha, pitta. One of the most effective ways to add amla to your diet is to juice it and have it diluted with water every day on an empty stomach. It clears your system, aids in digestion, helps in maintaining clear skin, healthy hair and good eyesight. Best time to consume : Early Morning in Empty stomach

Instructions : This juice is concentrated so add three parts of water before consuming.

Ingredients : Amla, Water, Sugar.

ShelfLife: 8 months

Additional information

Weight N/A

1000 ML, 500 ML

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