Moon Biscuit – మున్ బిస్కెట్స్


Moon Biscuit – మున్ బిస్కెట్స్


Moon biscuits are famous cookies which are done all-purpose flour and butter


Product Description

A biscuit is a flour-based baked food product. Moon biscuits are famous cookies which are done by two main ingredients All-purpose flour and butter.

Ingredients  : All-Purpose Flour, Milk powder, Baking Powder, Butter

ShelfLife : 45 days


A biscuit is a flour-based baked food product. Moon biscuits are famous cookies which are done by two main ingredients All-purpose flour and butter.

Ingredients  : All-Purpose Flour, Milk powder, Baking Powder, Butter

ShelfLife : 45 days

Additional information


200 gms, 400 gms

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